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The Author: ANDAL. N

Dr Andal N, an alumnus of the Queen Mary's College, Chennai, secured her PhD in Sociology of Mass Communication from the University of Bombay. During her extensive interaction with people of various lands she realised the importance of inter personal communication and its relation to mental health. It was this experience which resulted in her interest in healing troubled minds. She obtained her MS in Psychotherapy and Counseling from the Institute for Psychotherapy and Management Sciences, Mumbai and is also a Member of the Association of Professional Psychologists, Chennai, and a Member of the Association of Counseling and Psychotherapy. Currently she is a practising Counseling Consultant, based in Thane, Maharashtra.

She has traveled extensively and had represented India in the Global Conference in Montreal in 1984 in the capacity of Programme Executive at the International Council of Social Welfare (Asia and West Pacific). She has worked in another Mumbai based NGO- Rural Communes for a number of years. She had participated in SAARC meetings held at Anand, Ahmedabad dealing with Rural Development.

She has attended many seminars, workshops and conferences and presented a variety of papers on diverse subjects on sociological themes. The author has three published books to her credit. This is her fourth book.

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